Here’s what ST related shenanigans I’ve been enjoying this weekend. Hope you’ve had a nice one.
- Apparently, the source code for Infocom’s adventures are now available. How cool is that? Activision owns the rights to Infocom games right now, so they might not be up for long. Grab them while you can!
- RPGGamer has listed his Top Five RPG’s on the Atari ST. No spoilers from me, but these are definitely not the games I would pick. I managed to stop myself from flaming the comments section with impotent rage, so go me. There’s a nice little potted history of the ST at the beginning too.
- It’s always great to hear from people who used STs back in the day, and the world of cracking seemed like a dark, shadowy underworld to my younger, more naive perception of the world, so it’s a special treat to read this interview with Yoda, a member of the cracking groups The Marvelous V8 and The Empire. Huh. Yoda was a member of The Empire. Who knew?
- @backofficeshow played Neighbours on the ST and then took out his frustrations on the machine itself. Ouch!
- Patrick’s Retro Gaming played Bonanza Bros. a charming and original title from SEGA. A great port from US Gold (those are quite a rarity, aren’t they?).