The Top 50 has been updated with entries 25 to 21. As ever you can watch it here or read it there. Have fun!
The Top 50 has been updated with entries 25 to 21. As ever you can watch it here or read it there. Have fun!
The next five games have been added to the list. And they are absolute bangers too. You can watch the video or read it on the blog. Enjoy!
The Top 50 Atari ST Games is really getting up a head of steam now and these five games are truly all-time greats. A very Gallic flavour to this lot too! You can read the entire list here on the blog, or watch the video on YouTube. Have fun!
Thomas Ilg, mastermind behind Laserball, Anarcho Ride and the ST conversion of Frogs has released a teaser for his new maze game.
The publishing house behind three excellent ST tomes, Microzeit, is launching an IndieGogo campaign tomorrow for a new book about cracking crews and their compilation disks.
Incredible stuff.
The next five games have been added to the Top 50 list! Check it out here. Or of course you can watch the video instead. Enjoy!
With the results of the survey in and counted, the first installment of the Top 50 list is now live. You can watch the video over on YouTube or you can read the list right here on this blog. Have fun!
What’s all this then?
Well, it’s been over a decade since the last one, so I think it’s high time we updated the survey to find out what the community’s favourite ST games are!
What are the rules?
Anything else?
Where can I vote?
Basically, anywhere I see your response, I will add it to the database ready to be counted. Think carefully, choose wisely, and above all else: have fun!
How can I help?
If you would like to help, then please share the posts, tweets, videos etc. as widely as you can. A survey is only as good as the responses and the more people that vote, the more valid the data becomes and we can say we have the definitive list of favourite ST games.
Then what will happen?
Last time I did this, people were pleasantly surprised to see that I didn’t just post a list of results, but broke each game down, listed important details and gave them a write up with screenshots. I plan to do the same again, but with a bit more pizzazz this time around.
Why are you doing this?
Well, one of the most common questions I still get asked after all these years by people who have just picked up an ST, discovering it through emulation, or revisiting the machine and looking to play games they might have missed out on is: “What games should I play?” This survey and the resulting list could be a great resource for those people.
Thanks for reading and responding! Stay Atari /|\